What is HIV?

How can you reduce the risk of getting HIV?
Even if there is no cure for HIV and AIDS, there are still antiretroviral therapies for this illness that can stop HIV from spreading from one person to another and it can also stop growing inside you. As HIV is highly transmissible, below are some of the main factors that you should keep in mind to avoid HIV from infecting you and affecting the people near you;
How can you reduce the risk of getting HIV?
Even if there is no cure for HIV and AIDS, there are still antiretroviral therapies for this illness that can stop HIV from spreading from one person to another and it can also stop growing inside you. As HIV is highly transmissible, below are some of the main factors that you should keep in mind to avoid HIV from infecting you and affecting the people near you;
- HIV is mainly transmitted by having unsafe sexual intercourse. Try to avoid riskier sexual activities like Anal or Vaginal sex without a Condom with an individual known to have multiple sexual partners. Using Prep (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) pill before or after sexual intercourse is also advised to reduce the risk by 80-90%. You can buy prep online at Buyprepmeds.com. You will find information regarding the best Prep medication on Buyprepmeds.com.
- Multiple sexual partners can also lead to a higher risk of getting HIV. You should try to avoid multiple sexual partners. A monogamous relationship is “a relationship with only one partner at a time”, much safer to prevent HIV. Try to use protection while you are performing sexual activities, and use condoms in the right way. Condoms can be very effective in stopping HIV and other viruses from transmitting.
- Being sexually active is not bad but not taking proper precautions is bad. If you are sexually very active, you should take the Prep pill regularly. Truvada is branded prep, Truvada price can go up to $3000 per month. To buy generic truvada at an affordable price use a reliable vendor like Buyprepmeds.com. It is important to take the Prep pill every day, if you don’t follow the procedure regularly and skip the dosageit won’t work.
- Alcohol or Drugs has nothing to do with the HIV virus. But they can still play a major role in an indirect way which can affect HIV virus transmission. Substances like alcohol and drugs can alter our judgment and can result in unsafe sexual behaviour which can lead to having unprotected sex.
- While being in a relationship always make sure your partner is HIV negative and even if any one of you is infected by HIV, try to follow all precautions.
- HIV virus can find many ways to transmit from one person to another. One of them is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding a new-born child is very important for the baby’s overall health but if you are a mother with HIV positive report, there is a high possibility it can transmit to your baby as well. Your breastmilk can contact the HIV virus as this virus spreads inside our body. You should always avoid breastfeeding a baby if your HIV report is positive.
- Another main mode of HIV virus transmission can be blood donation. In case you are in the process of blood transfusion, make sure to check whether the donor is HIV negative. If you are donating blood, make sure to check your HIV report and avoid donating blood if the report is positive.
- Always check the needles/ syringes you are going to insert into your body. Make sure they are new and unused by any other person. In a case where you are sharing needles, use only sterilized needles. Use Buyprepmeds.com to buy prep online. Using Prep medication during these activities can lower the risk of getting HIV by 70%-80%.
- Always take a proper and regular test to detect the virus in your body. Take proper treatment at an early stage before the situation worsens. Take a proper diet. A good diet helps in keeping our body healthy and strong. Include fruit and vegetables such as Blueberries, chocolate, Turmeric, fish, sweet potatoes, spinach, meat, etc. in your diet.
- Immune systems are strong when you have less stress. Yoga is very helpful in reducing stress, reducing anxiety, and improving mood.
A person can reduce the risk of HIV and prevent AIDS by following the above-mentioned precautions. With all the above information we can see that HIV can be transmitted through various modes such as Blood, Pre-seminal fluids, Breastmilk, Semen, Rectal fluids, etc. Being cautious while enjoying our lives can help us from contracting this life-threatening condition. It’s considerably easier to keep HIV at bay now that prophylaxis has been discovered. People who want to buy Truvada or use Prep frequently avoid it because of its high price. In these cases, we have a lifesaver in the form of Burprepmeds.com, which provides prep in the form of generic truvada to clients at a fair price. Their offers are appealing and tailored to the needs of their customers. Get latest update on Instagram and Twitter, Crunchbase.